Holiday Gift Guide for 2024
I love gift giving and gift giving season. I've put together three shopping guides to hopefully help make this time of year easier for you whether you're shopping for your best friend, a sister-in-law, or yourself! Selfishly, I started with a Palm Sunday themed guide filled with all of my favorite jewelry and merch from this past season. I also created two additional guides packed with items that are either on my wishlist or ones I've used for years and recommend to all my friends. You'll see a Queen of Spades theme of minimal, black & white gifts and another for the Pastel Princess, filled with joyful color and natural themes. I tend to gravitate towards these two palettes myself (hello Sag sun and Cap rising), so it was only natural that they'd be the two guides I offer. Let me know if you end up buying any of these as gifts or personal buys, and let me know how you like them!

Clockwise From Top Left:

Clockwise From Top Left:

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